My AR3 has been working perfectly. Then one day, I clicked auto-calibrate, and the J4 axis just twisted around until the wires finally stopped it. It doesn't appear to have broken any wires.
I can manually jog any of the axis's now, but when I try individual joint calibration, it moves a short distance and stops. The message says successful calibration. I have checked voltage at the limit switches, and all switches are +5v when made, but 0v when not made. My understanding is they should be -5v when not made.
Any hints on where to start looking?
If its moving a very short distance and then displaying successful calibration its likely that the teensy board is seeing +5v at all times even when the switch is not made. I would assume that at the time it over rotated the teensy for some reason did not see the +5v from the switch. I would start by putting a meter on the pin for J4 limit switch at the teensy and see what it is reading when made and not made. It should be +5 when made and 0 or Gnd when not made.