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tc ratius
Nov 21, 2021
In Questions
Hi, I am building the AR3 in my spare time, and originally I bought motors such as this one as they were closed looped. However, the AR3 is quite a complex setup with all the cabling and I am thinking now this was a bad idea. I am wondering if anyone has integrated a hybrid motor in their setup, and does it work well with the exe software? Cheers TC
tc ratius
Jan 18, 2021
In Questions
Hi Chris and fellow robotians, I posted this on YouTube, however it may be helpful to other. This is my understanding of the kinematic videos on YouTube in particular episode 6: So basically, you find the inverse of common positions, which I will call posses, that can be put into a sequence. For example, let us say the first sequence goes to J2 pose as it is the closest move to the object we want to interact with. Once this is achieved the arm then moves in that pose to the object as one unit instead of having to jog the x, y, z individually to achieve the task. Am I on the right track?
tc ratius
Dec 28, 2020
In Questions
I am looking for a "quality" crimping on the web; I am pretty sure I have found the straight jaws through a local supplier seen here., or is it a 90-degree crimping jaw? And I think I found the 90-degree on amazon?
tc ratius
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