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Forum Posts

Aug 07, 2022
In General Discussion
Hello Folks. What is the best end of arm tooling for Chris Annin's AR project? I understand that "best" is quite subjective. Please read on. Is there a consensus on the best end effector that is easily integrated onto this arm? By "Best" being an artful balance between cost, practicality, and reliability. Low power of consumption would be a bonus, and the project would have to be an opensource that I can build. What is the "best" manipulator for the AR3, the way that the AR3 is the "best" arm? If there are many such projects, a list with links would be really appreciated. If that is the case I could then look around and choose the best option for the items I want to work with. I am asking this question because I built the AR3, and would like to handle some real world items, but the pneumatic "pinchers" Chris uses are limited in application; and I am lost as to where to get end of arm tooling. I asked this very question on robotics stack exchange and was shut down. I hope I have better luck here. Thanks again Chris for the project, and thanks in advance to the community for any answers. Cheers!


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