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AR3/AR4 Build in Victoria,BC
In Robot Builds
Oct 03, 2023
Making some progress inbetween work-work projects. Still haven't gotten around to making the metal parts but since I'm starting out building an AR3 first I thought I'd put the Teensy 3.5 onto a carrier with a terminal strip rather than use the jumper wires. Also I feel that if I have a 330 Ohm pull up to 3.3V on the carrier then I don' t have to worry about swapping in the Teensy 4.1 and then rewiring to have 3V on the calibration limit switches instead of the 5V. The pull up resistor results in about 10mA current flowing through the NC switch which is halfway between the 4-20ma instrument signals where are quite robust with respect to noise. Once the switch opens or if the wire breaks the signal is pulled to 3V quite hard. They are very tiny smd resistors barely visible in the photounder the violet wires. To test the input I wired up one from my junk box. Trouble is the software doesn't have a direct method of testing the inputs so I modified the Teensy 3.5 software with this bit of code and just used the arduino terminal program to talk directly to it. //-----COMMAND to read limit switches --- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (function == "RL") { Serial.println("Calibration Switch Status:"); Serial.print("J1_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J1calPin)); Serial.print("J2_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J2calPin)); Serial.print("J3_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J3calPin)); Serial.print("J4_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J4calPin)); Serial.print("J5_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J5calPin)); Serial.print("J6_CalPin == "); Serial.println(digitalRead(J6calPin)); } Here's the output from the above code with switch not pressed and then pressed. There are no switches on the other inputs. I added a pull up resistor to pin 32 for potentially another switch but no code support for that yet.
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