1) I've been having some trouble with my build and the software.
Jogging J1 seems to have no effect.
Jogging J2 moves J1.
Jogging J3 moves J2.
Jogging J4 moves J3.
Jogging J5 moves J4.
Jogging J6 has no effect.
I've checked for continuity on every connection, from the drivers to each motor, and everything looks okay. I've confirmed the ribbon cable connections from arduino to the motors is also okay.
2) The limit switches seem to have no effect. I see no light come on the Arduino when they are triggered. If the motors in movement, tripping a limit switch has no effect.
I've checked continuity on all connections, and everything looks okay.
Any thoughts on what could be causing these issues would be appreciated.
I'm using the screw terminal shield.
I have re-confirmed that I was plugging into the correct pins.
After some further fiddling, I figured out that when the ribbon cable plugs into the screw terminals instead of the black headers, all motors work.
Still no luck with the limit switches however. I can confirm that when i depress each switch I read 4.7 volts with my meter.
Is there something wrong with my shield? Some solder bridge somewhere perhaps? I will try to connect directly to the arduino tomorrow and report back.
If jogging is moving the wrong axis I would first look at the connections to the arduino and make sure you are on the correct pins, its fairly easy to be off a pin. Are you going straight to the arduino or are you using the shield that plugs on top of the arduino? Have you used a meter to check the limit switch wires and what they are providing to the arduino? each of the 6 limit switch inputs must provide -5vdc or continuity to the -5v and then provide +5vdc when the switch is made. If you can post any errors you see in the black python console window, also any pictures of your arduino wiring could help.