I have been playing with RoboDK and my AR4, using the AnninAR4Driver.py I can connect to the arm, however getting any predictable movement from it does not work (unless I am doing something wrong. As an alternative route I was looking at using the AnninRobotics post processor to generate code that I can load into Chris's control program just seems to generate a corrupt file. Is anyone currently succesfully using RoboDK with the AR4 arm and if so, any pointers as to what I am doing wrong. (I have read all the previous posts in the forum on the subject). Ideally I would like to be able to create/ simulate moves in RoboDK and either direcly run the arm from there or create a .AR4 file to load into Chris's program or G-Code to do the same. Thanks
This thread has some additional info. https://www.anninrobotics.com/forum/general-discussion/robodk-with-ar4-robot I believe you will need to be running the MK1 software version 2.2 for RoboDK.