Chris, hope you're well. Two asks if you're able to advise.
5.0 has been crashing a lot for me, Win 11. Can't tell what's causing, sometimes right after opens, sometimes when i'm running a test.
Encoder J4 busted - molex came off the board. Any suggestions on replacing? Not sure my soldering skills get this one solved.

Hello Matt, sorry for the late response. I also saw your comment on another thread on the connection issue. I'm not certain what would be causing the software to freeze up or crash. Could you try setting you baud rate to 115200 for that com port in device manager and let me know if it makes any difference. Also might try a different USB cable - I have had people have issues there. As far as the encoder I would suggest contacting Stepperonlne service they have been really good about assisting with any motor issues.