I'm trying to run the AR4 v2 software on a little laptop. When I kick-off the executable I get a command window flash and then nothing. When I kick-off the executable from a command window I get the following error, "ImportError: DLL load failed".
By the way, I'm trying to run this on the following laptop:
As a last attempt, I installed the latest Python version. However, I think AR4.exe includes its own version of Python so this didn't help.
Any ideas?
I have just downloaded V2.0 of the AR4 HMI, and I have the same problem as Jim with the Main Control page clipped to the right and a bit at the bottom. This makes it impossible to control the robot arm. Is there a fix for this?
BTW, version 1.3 worked fine.
I've had a few reports of people having issues after the last windows update. Are you able to run the last version 1.3?