I've released as open-source my firmware and some of the other tools I wrote at https://github.com/adob/ar4.
This includes the GELLO episode recorder which can be used to record teleoperation sessions for later training with ACT (Action-Chunking with Transformers). There is also a GUI tool that you can use to move the arm using arrow keys from a first-person perspective (assuming you have a camera mounted).
I haven't gotten to releasing the ACT training code. Let me know if there is interest.
Looks great, excited to try it! I wish the license was more permissive (mit, etc). ACT training code would be great, this is the same thing I’m working on doing, but haven’t got that far yet. Thank you for sharing this!!
As far as licensing, I do have a dependency on ViSP, which necessitates the GPL. But also, just curious, but why is permissive licensing important to you? You can do pretty much whatever you want with GPL code, no?
I'll work on getting my ACT changes open as well in the coming week or two. Curious about what you're working on.
An arm (usually built with cheaper materials / motors) that can be used to remotely control the follower arm (for example AR4). This is used to teleop or to train AI models for the arm. The leader is only used to read values for the joints from.
Was thinking of modifying this design to meet the same proportions as AR4:https://github.com/AlexanderKoch-Koch/low_cost_robotAs long as the proportions and joints are the same, it should work fine. I have to get better at cad to learn how to modify it though! Will post when I get it done.
I have made a leader arm for the GELLO project. See https://github.com/wuphilipp/gello_mechanical/tree/main/ar4
What do you mean by leader arm?