Hello Every one i am Building my own Robot and i would ask how to find out my DH parameters and Ang Limits i put a Picture in the Post that all can see what i mean. Because i dont have a 6 Axis robot but i would use the AR2 Software for that. Sorry for my bad english i am form germany (: i Hope somebody can help me because i spend a lot oft time and mony in my robot. And Axis 3 is not finished yet.
And sorry for the mess on my work bench (-:

Okay Thank you for your three answers and what can i do with the Ang Limit because my roboter drivers right and left and up and down ther is no Ang
the kinematics are set up for a 6 axis robot, it might be a bit difficult to run a 3 axis machine. You can still use the AR2 software and jog your robot in joint mode and teach positions - it just wont work to try and jog in cartesian. I have a series of videos on the kinematics that might help you as well.