From the Robot Kits page."I apologize for being out of stock, the kits have sold out very fast. My machinist tries to keep stocked up and was working on a double batch of parts so production is taking a little longer than expected. These should ship to me by the end of next week and I hope to have them back in stock around the 28th. If anyone wants to get started on their electrical enclosure I do have electrical kits ready to ship, I apologize for the delay on the aluminum parts and I will get them back in stock as fast as I can."
From the Robot Kits page. "I apologize for being out of stock, the kits have sold out very fast. My machinist tries to keep stocked up and was working on a double batch of parts so production is taking a little longer than expected. These should ship to me by the end of next week and I hope to have them back in stock around the 28th. If anyone wants to get started on their electrical enclosure I do have electrical kits ready to ship, I apologize for the delay on the aluminum parts and I will get them back in stock as fast as I can."