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Olof Ogland
Jun 16, 2022
In Questions
Hi! I just built the AR4 and I can't calibrate any of the joints. If I hit Auto Calibrate, visually it calibrates fine, but log says Auto Calibration Failed a few seconds after I hit it, despite it finishing the sequence. Similar things are happening on all joints individually. If I stop for example J3 from jogging, I get no errors and the joint doesn't recover or position itself correctly after that so it loses the position similar to open loop behavior, despite it supposedly being in closed loop. It behaves in the same way across 3 pcs running windows 10 and windows 11. The log doesn't indicate what is actually wrong unfortunately, and I can't do any serial monitoring as far as I know since the teensy needs to be communicating with the AR4 software. If I run the program "test encoders" everything seems to be working. But if I power the drivers/motors then I get no readings from J3 encoder while running test encoders. J3 also has very jerky motion when jogging. What's wrong here and how do I fix it?
Olof Ogland
Jun 16, 2022
In General Discussion
I made this group on Facebook because I didn't find one. I really like that format better, and Discord even more so. If anyone wants to join this it would be great If you Chris want to admin it, that's fine too :)
Olof Ogland
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