Well, I tried that without much luck.
So, I've got two different joint points taught in two different locations. Joint 7 is set to 10 in the first position and 50 in the second. Other joints differ too. I've also got a one second delay between points all wrapped in a loop.
When the program starts, all joints move to the first position. However, joint 7 moves to zero. The robot then cycles between the two positions - excluding joint 7. Joint 7 never moves again after that first move to zero. The HMI also shows joint 7 at zero and never updates as the program runs.
Again, joint 7 moves just fine when jogging. Also, teaching a point also picks up the position of joint 7 and adds it to the taught line of code. Even so, while running a program, joint 7 just moves to it's zero position and never moves again.