Hy everyone,
iam working on a nice clean Electrical Enclosure for my AR2.
This week i decided to make my own custom Mainboard for the Enclosure.
I would make the PCB in Matte Black. It looks very nice with the White Silkscreen.
Here are my Specs from this PCB-Version 1.0.4:
Added a 24V (up to 1Amp) Fan Molex Pin, a little Script on the Raspberry would manage the Speed over the Dallas Temperaturesensor
Connection for a WS2812b LED Strip (or Single LED), for Statuslight, a Jumper to choose LED Signalinput from AtMega or Pi
6 Inputs over Optocouppler (but with common Ground), for 24V Sensors
a AtMega 2560-16AU µ-Controller (like Arduino MEGA)
Disconnectable Raspberry Zero W over a Header (Flat or in 90° Angled)
Networkconnector for the Limitswitches
Connector for a 8 Channel Relayboard
Outputs with Screwterminals for the Stepperdrivercards incl. External Track and 5V out
PCB Size: 100 mm x 150 mm (could be smaler in final Version), Double Layer
Here is a preview from the Mainboard, its not ready at the moment.

You got any ideas or optimizes whats make this PCB better and nicer?
Please tell me here in the Comments. Finaly the PCB is not at the Manufacture. You can create this Mainboard with me. ☺
Also in the future i will sell these Boards if they are ready and tested.
Thanks for attention and wonderfull greetings from Germany
Hi Daniel,
Fantastic idea, I am looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
I had a quick look but I couldn't find it, but there was a post a while ago where another member was creating a board with the Mega chip integrated into the board. I think it is a fantastic idea and at some point looking forward to moving to a custom PCB board.
From memory, I think he had it so it sat on top of the motor drivers directly to save more space and wiring which is worth considering.
Love the idea for a Networkconnector for the Limitswitches and Connector for a 8 Channel Relayboard. Exciting.