Hello everyone, First off, congratulations on the project. I am currently trying to program the AR4 arm with Python, I read that we can control it over serial commands so I am generating those commands with the AR4 Software and "mapping" them to Python functions.
I am having a problem with the gripper though, my code looks like this:
def send_command(command, board):
"""Send a command to the specified board and wait for a response."""
if board == "teensy":
ser = teensy_ser
elif board == "arduino":
ser = arduino_ser
ser.write((command + '\n').encode()) # Ensure the command ends with a newline character
print(f"Sent command {command}")
response = ""
start_time = time.time()
while response == "":
response = ser.readline().decode('utf-8').strip()
if time.time() - start_time > 60: # Timeout after 10 seconds
raise TimeoutError("No response from robot arm within the expected time frame.")
return response
def open_grip():
command = "ONX8"
board = "arduino"
response = send_command(command, board)
if response: # Check if a valid response is received
print(f"No response or invalid response from {board}, retrying...")
def close_grip():
command = "OFX8"
board = "arduino"
response = send_command(command, board)
if response: # Check if a valid response is received
print(f"No response or invalid response from {board}, retrying...")
The close_grip command makes the grip open and close fast but obviously that is not what is wanted, open_grip doesnt really react. I dont understand what is the issue here. Could anyone help? Thank you
Problem fixed, what was happening was that, when first establishing communication, the servo somehow resets and does not accept any commands in the first 3 seconds, then I used SV0P180 to open the grip and SV0P0 to close the grip.