Hello all,
my electronic box build is based on AR4, but the robot is AR3. Therefore i use the AR4_teensy41_CUI skatch.
i can connect from Arduino (both (Arduino + Teensy) SW-packags installed) to Teensy to upload sketch:
but when i open the python AR4 Software and set the com to: 4 (and click on the button: "Set Com Teensy") it still shows the error message: "unable to establish communications with Teensy 4.1 controller:
any suggestions how to debug/check the connection?
br Martin
Having almost the same issue, Unable to connect to teensy, if I put in the com port and click the button, the screen freezes and the circle just spins, as soon as I disconnect or reset the teensy it starts back again but still wont connect to the teensy
Make sure you’re using the correct baud
minor update: when I try to save the config, i get an error in console:
(ar4-py37) PS C:\........\Annin Robotics\AR4 HMI interface source> python .\AR4.py
Exception in Tkinter callback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\.....\anaconda3\envs\ar4-py37\lib\tkinter\__init__.py", line 1705, in __call__
return self.func(*args)
File ".\AR4.py", line 4262, in SaveAndApplyCalibration
File ".\AR4.py", line 4012, in toolFrame
NameError: name 'ser' is not defined
note about the windows exe app: when i run the exe version, only a small window starts and the curser spins but the main app is not started.