Hi, two questions:
1.) I saw your latest video "AR2 robot - Programming Part 4 - (Ver 2.0 updates)" and the linear move is nice but I was wondering whether you have any plan to add something akin to coordinates? So the machine moves from coordinate (x1,y1,z1) -> (x2,y2,z2)? It's a bit inaccurate to have to jog the machine between these coordinates with an X-Box controller. I'm already trying to think of ways of creating jigs with strings and balsa sticks in order to move the machine from one point to the next more accurately.
2.) On your website, you mentioned that you were currently working on improving your software and then will commence work on a new larger robot after this. However in one of your posts, you also mentioned that work on the new robot has commenced. So does this mean you are pretty much not working on the software any more (and V2.0 is the final state for now) making my first question moot? So are you currently mostly concentrating on the new robot?
What I'm wondering is, if you are trying to draw a square that is 4"x4", is the software capable of reaching each of the four corners accurately? Or do you have to jog it to a new position with the X-Box controller and eyeball the position of each of the four corners, teach each of these positions and then execute a full sweep around those four points?
Also, you mentioned in the video that the linear move ins't a perfect straight line but with a Linear interpolation move it's much better, but I was wondering whether it's good enough to for example draw the same square in the example before with a pen? Or does the robot lift off making the line incomplete?
You can use insert replace to manually enter coordinates, or you can use the stored position registers to call positions, I may not completely understand your questions so please let me know if this is what you are asking about. As far as the next robot I have been picking away at some mechanical design ideas for a low cost gear box and larger frame but its just experimental tinkering. The goal I have is that if I ever do make a larger robot that the AR2 software will be a standard platform. Its certainly still under development and new improvements to the AR2 is my primary focus. I just updated the AR2 software to fix a kinematic issue for custom robot builders and im working on ways to improve the jogging functionality.