I am planning to build a 6 axis robotic 3D printer, based on the AR4. I would be adding an extruder assembly and extruder motor to the existing AR4 setup.
I have planned to control it using the G code option in the AR4 HMI software, by uploading a 6 axis G code. However, a 3D printer G code also has the extruder command, denoted by 'E' axis in the G code lines. It is also followed by a F command, representing the feed rate. I have attached an example below.
So can someone suggest how do I integrate the extruder motor into the AR4 system, and appropriately configure the 'E' axis G code commands to the extruder motor (7th motor)?
An example line of the 6 axis G code:
G0 X95.65 Y25.02 Z92.71 A131.56 B26.11 C1.00 E0.8 F600
Thank You