Many Thanks to Dexter Ong for providing the ROS control repository. Please note that ROS can be used on either the AR3 or AR4 robot using the AR3 sketch as shown in Dexters ROS repository If using the Stepperonline AR4 motors and encoders you will need to change the encoder scaling values in the AR3 sketch to use the encoder scaling values for the AR4: //set encoder multiplier const float J1encMult = 10; const float J2encMult = 10; const float J3encMult = 10; const float J4encMult = 10; const float J5encMult = 5; const float J6encMult = 10; //set encoder pins Encoder J1encPos(14, 15); Encoder J2encPos(17, 16); Encoder J3encPos(19, 18); Encoder J4encPos(20, 21); Encoder J5encPos(23, 22); Encoder J6encPos(24, 25);